Social workers strike to share their dismay

Social workers can’t take it anymore and want to let people know. They are 1.2 million to accompany, support, help, insert, educate or simply listen to the 10 million most vulnerable citizens of French society, elderly people with loss of autonomy, beneficiaries of the active solidarity income (RSA) on the way to employment, people with disabilities, homeless, young people adrift or suffering from behavioral disorders, undocumented … The call for a national strike, Tuesday December 7, launched by most unions, the CGT, Solidaires and SUD-Santé, the Unitary Trade Union Federation (FSU), various collectives such as Les Broyés du social or le Social déchaîné and even the CFDT, this year meets with a particular echo.

“Many of our members, who are however not used to, will be in the street this time., predicts Stéphane Racz, CEO of Nexem, a network of 11,000 non-profit private sector establishments in the areas of health, disability, child protection, old age or social integration, and which employs 330,000 employees. The promise of Ségur for health, which has revalued public sector salaries and forgotten the associative and private sectors like ours, exacerbates inequalities by providing further proof of the invisibility of our work in the eyes of public authorities and of the whole company and weakens teamwork ”, he pleads.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers The government promises 500 million for the forgotten of Ségur

In November, regional movements had already gathered unusual crowds, both employees and employers, elected officials and families, 5,000 demonstrators in Nantes or 2,500 in Strasbourg. The Prime Minister, Jean Castex, did indeed, on November 8, evoke a future “Conference of professions in social and medico-social support” by January 15, 2022, “But we have no date, no details and do not receive any response to our letters”, worries Mr. Racz.

” Lack of recognition “

The priority claim, Tuesday, therefore concerns wages, low and never reassessed: “For fifteen years the index point has been frozen, protested Alexandre Lebarbey, CGT representative of the health, social, private non-profit medico-social sector. When I started my career as an educator, my salary exceeded the minimum wage of 500 euros; today, for a beginner, the difference is only 100 euros. “

Raphaëlle (who wishes to remain anonymous) works on the integration into employment of RSA beneficiaries: “After ten years of career, I earn 2,000 euros, premiums included, and, in my department where life is expensive, I pay a rent of 900 euros and spend 300 euros in professional transport costs… Living with what is left, It’s very difficult ! “ “After seventeen years of career, my salary capped at 2,100 euros and, like all my colleagues, I am systematically uncovered at the end of the month”, notes Frédéric Motel, educator in a therapeutic and educational institute for children and young people suffering from behavioral disorders.

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