Sofia of Spain: Secret plan with her grandchildren?

Queen Sofia of Spain
She is said to be planning a joint appearance with three of her grandchildren

Queen Sofia of Spain

© Manuel Queimadelos Alonso / Getty Images

Queen Sofía of Spain is expected in Marbella on July 20, 2022. As the Spanish magazine “Vanitatis” reports, the emeritus monarch could be accompanied by three of her grandchildren.

Queen Sofía of Spain, 83, is said to have hatched a secret plan with her grandchildren. According to the Duke of Seville, Francisco de Borbón, 78, the 83-year-old is planning a trip to Marbella. There, the Emeritus Queen wants to visit the concert of the orchestra “Maggio Musicale Fiorentino” under the direction of conductor Zubin Mehta. However, Sofia should not travel alone.

Who will accompany Sofia from Spain to Marbella?

According to the magazine “Vanitatis”, three grandchildren will join the musical event. Exactly who it is remains unclear. The choice is great – after all, the Spanish royal has a total of eight grandchildren.

Alongside Princess Sofia, 15, and Princess Leonor, 16, Sofía is the proud grandmother of Pablo Urdangarin y de Borbón, 21, Irene Urdangarin y de Borbón, 17, Juan Valentín Urdangarin y de Borbón, 22, and Miguel Urdangarín y de Borbón, 20 , and Felipe de Marichalar y de Borbon, 23, and Victoria Federica de Marichalar y de Borbon, 21.

Queen Sofía is a friend of the conductor Zubin Mehta

In 2021 Queen Sofía attended a concert in Athens conducted by Zubin Mehta. The wife of Spain’s ex-king Juan Carlos, 84, is considered a good friend of the orchestra leader. In Athens, Sofía was joined by her siblings King Constantine II of Greece, 82, and Princess Irene of Greece, 80. Now Spain’s former queen seems to want to bring the music spectrum closer to her grandchildren.

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