soon a version for children?

The photo-sharing social network has been designed for a children’s version, dedicated to under 13s.

Soon a version of Instagram for those under 13? While the social network is prohibited for the moment, Facebook, which owns Instagram, hinted that the platform would launch a version for children under 13 in a message circulated internally and relayed by the American site. BuzzFeed. The social media giant plans to launch a “kids” version of its parent-controlled app for “safe” use.

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More safety for children?

Facebook spokesperson posted in The Guardian that the application would be similar to Messenger Kids, which already exists on the Facebook side for children aged 6 to 12. “More and more children are asking to their parents if they can join apps that help them track their friends. At the moment there are not many options, so we are working on building additional products (…) that are child friendly, managed by parents“, did he declare.

At the same time, the company announced that it is committed to deploying new security options. For example, by preventing adults from sending messages to individuals under the age of 18 who do not follow them, or by sending alerts to minors when an adult making a large number of friend requests and messages to people under 18 add them. Teens will also be encouraged to put their profile in private mode when registering.

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