soon the end of the compulsory medical certificate to play sports

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It’s official, the Minister of Health François Braun announced this Wednesday, May 3, 2023 that medical certificates will no longer be compulsory to register in a gym or a sports club. A new measure which should come into force from September 2023.

It was in 2021 that the obligation to present a medical certificate was abolished in schools as well as in sports clubs for children with the aim of simplifying access to sports activities. This Wednesday, May 3, 2023, a new measure completes this first decision. The Minister of Health, François Braun, announced at the microphone of France Inter that the systematic presentation of medical certificates to be able to practice a sporting activity in a club or indoors will no longer be compulsory.

As of September 2023, this “no contraindicationas the Minister calls it could be optional. A measure taken in order to be able to free up time for attending physicians in order to better take care of patients. A decision that would not concern high-level practice, in fact these medical certificates would remain compulsory in the context of a sports competition for example.

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Valuing and freeing up time for attending physicians

A medical certificate for a sports aptitude takes “on average between 1h30 to 2h per weekto a doctor according to the instructions of the Minister, Mr François Braun. It is therefore essential for politicians to allow attending physicians to free up time in order to treat more patients whose consultation is really useful. “The truth is that we won’t have more doctors for ten years. (…) It is necessary that the doctors who are in the field have more time available to treat“He declares at the microphone of France Inter.

A decision supported by certain health professionals as confirmed by the president of the Confederation of French medical unions, doctor Franck Devulder: “It is necessary to free up the doctor’s time and enhance his expertise“. Additional data supports this decision, in France more than 30% of French people live in a medical desert and therefore have more difficulty obtaining these famous certificates.

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