Spider-Man: which Marvel character Tom Holland would like to meet in a crossover?

Tom Holland, aka Spider-Man, has revealed the Marvel character he would like a crossover with. Is such a project possible within the MCU? We take stock.

What if Spider-Man and Yelena Belova meet in a crossover featuring the new Black Widow and Spider-Man?

This is the rather exciting idea running through the minds of Tom Holland and Florence Pugh. Interviewed at the microphone of the podcast The Zoe Ball Breakfast Showthe friendly neighborhood spider revealed that he discussed this possibility with the British actress, with whom he has a great relationship.

“A Spider-Man and Black Widow crossover hasn’t been suggested to Marvel honchos yet, but Florence and I have been talking about it, and hopefully one day we can make it happen. That would be really cool.”he confided.

After the worldwide triumph of Spider-Man No Way Home and its 1.7 billion dollars in worldwide revenue, it is hard to imagine how Marvel could drop its goose that lays the golden eggs. The idea of ​​seeing the Weaver collaborating with Yelena Belova is excellent on paper, as the two characters can sparkle.

The latter, who took over from Scarlett Johansson in Black Widow, was able to conquer the hearts of Marvel fans in Black Widow and then the Hawkeye series. With her cynical personality and her tongue-in-cheek Russian humor, the Yelena camped by Florence Pugh has established herself within the MCU. In duet with a sometimes clumsy and joker Spider-Man, this can give an explosive cocktail!

We had an interesting example of this in Hawkeye with the very funny sequences involving the Black Widow and Kate Bishop, played by Hailee Steinfeld. The relentless side of Yelena confronted with the sometimes excessive benevolence of Spidey, ready to do anything to protect the population, could really lead to an explosive mixture.

However, will Tom Holland really return to Spider-Man tights? It’s all still a bit fuzzy. While Marvel and Sony have already announced that they will be working hand in hand on the next superhero trilogy, the identity of the actor who will be the headliner remains a mystery.

And don’t count on Tom Holland to help you figure it out. “I may have been on a tour where all I did was lie, but honestly – and you’re not going to like the truth – I don’t know the answer to that question”he said at the microphone of Deadline.


Tom Holland and Florence Pugh

“Spider-Man No Way Home was as special to me as such an experience could be. I don’t know. There’s a part of me that thinks it’s the perfect time to jump off a building and swing into the sunset, and let the next lucky kid come and give him the costume”he continued.

“I love this character. I know I’m not ready to say goodbye to him. But if it’s time to do it, I’ll do it proudly, knowing that I’ve managed to do everything I wanted in his skin. If it’s time, it’s time. If not, no”concluded the 25-year-old actor.

Anyway, such a crossover is for the moment pure speculation. We will have to be patient to find out more about this. In the meantime, Marvel will be back in theaters on May 4 with Doctor Strange 2. As for Tom Holland, he will be Nathan Drake in Uncharted on February 16 in theaters.


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