Spider phobia: police action after spider sighting | BRIGITTE.de

Police operation after spider sighting
“Suddenly I see such a big, black thing!”

15-year-old Celine gave a spider a real scare.


Calls for help from an apartment building in Willrich in North Rhine-Westphalia have triggered a police operation – all because of a spider. You can find out the whole story in the video.

No matter how safe they are: Many people are afraid of spiders. Even if they are actually very useful, they can still cause great horror. 15-year-old Celine from North Rhine-Westphalia had to make this experience: Shortly before going to bed, she saw a spider in her apartment – and immediately broke into a panic that did not go unnoticed.

A neighbor hears the girl’s cries for help – and calls the police

The little spider in the teenager’s house should cause more excitement than expected: In the video you can find out what was going on in arachnophobic Celine at that moment and how the story finally ended.

Source: RTL
