Sports day: King of the homers has died

The sports day
King of the homers died

Baseball icon Hank Aaron is dead. He died at the age of 86, according to his former club, the Atlanta Braves, and Major League Baseball. Aaron, who as a black man experienced racist hostility in the USA, scored a total of 755 home runs in his career. The record set in 1976 was long considered unattainable.

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(Photo: imago images / ZUMA Press)

"His monumental successes as a player were only exceeded by his dignity as a person and his integrity," said MLB boss Rob Manfred. "We are devastated by the death of our beloved Hank," said Braves chairman Terry McGuirk.

It was only 31 years after Aaron's legendary and historic 755th home run that Barry Bonds broke the record in 2007 and ultimately increased it to 762. For many, Aaron is still considered the homerun king. In 1982 he was inducted into the baseball Hall of Fame by an overwhelming majority.

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