Spring cleaning: 5 tricks so that it is also good for your health

spring cleaning
With these 5 tricks it is also good for your health

What could be nicer in spring than fresh flowers and a cleared-out apartment?


It can be difficult to force yourself to clean up. But it’s not just the thought of a tidy home that should drive us, but also the positive effects it can have on mental health.

What do you need for spring cleaning? Lots of motivation and these five tricks! After this video, the beginning will be a bit easier for you. Because mucking out and cleaning has a mental effect on us.

Spring cleaning: 5 tricks from a residential therapist

Residential therapist and author Anita Yokota shares how to make it easier to start spring cleaning and declutter for long-term well-being. This does not always have something to do with tidying up, but can also be achieved with other measures. You can find out what these are in the video.

Sources used: cbsnews.com


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