SRF Community – Corona self-infection: “And someone like that studies medicine?” – News

Edgar, 21, is studying medicine and decided in September of this year to intentionally contract Corona: “I asked this person to spit into a glass. I added some water to dilute and drank the glass. ” His plan worked – five days later he tested positive for Corona.

This approach is not recommended, both from a medical and a legal point of view. An infection can have a potentially severe course and a mild course can lead to long covid. From a legal point of view, it is particularly tricky for the person who infects others: according to the Criminal Code, they can face up to five years imprisonment.

StGB 231: Spread of human diseases

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Anyone who spreads a dangerous, communicable human disease out of a common disposition is punished with imprisonment from one to five years.

Intentional infections for a Covid certificate are lively discussed in the SRF community. Above all, medical student Edgar is exposed to harsh criticism.

It’s nice when medical students show publicly that they are not suitable for the profession.

SRF user David Scherrer asks himself: “And someone like that studies medicine?” Alex Flück writes: “As a doctor, I am of the opinion that this young man should be expelled from his studies: Anyone who has so little scientific and above all ethical and moral understanding is out of place in patient care.”

The same verdict comes from user Michel Koller: “It’s nice when medical students show publicly that they are not suitable for the profession.” Edgar’s rationale for self-infecting is that he couldn’t afford the paid tests at the time. User Cynthia Meister does not understand this reason, as the vaccine is free and safe. At best, she could understand the procedure if the situation in the hospitals were not so critical, but: “In this way, he not only endangers himself, but also others who are dependent on a place if he had a difficult course.”

Recovered, vaccinated, boosted?

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Vaccinated or recovered, what better protection against corona?

You were already on Covid falls ill, the risk of hospitalization in the event of a renewed infection is also around six to 12 months so small like after one Moderna vaccination and significantly better than after one Pfizer vaccinationwrites the Swiss Science Taskforce on their homepage. However, the protection is even better if one is called convalescent person receives a dose of mRNA vaccination.

What is clear, however: The Protection of vaccination already takes around six months noticeably off. The task force continues to write: The Booster vaccination “More than compensates for the declining effectiveness.” They point out that a booster vaccination is a Offers 20 times more protection than the basic vaccination.

Understanding of self-infection

Much larger discussions among SRF commentators, however, arise when it comes to the question of whether deliberate infection with Corona should generally be condemned or not. For example, Denise Casagrande from the SRF community writes: “What absurd ideas do certain people – for selfish motives – come up with and are able to implement?”. SRF user Bernhard Haeuser replies: “The motives may be difficult to understand, but are they therefore selfish?”

Self-infection compared to vaccination actually only shows that one is not able to assess the risk properly. No more and no less.

User Peter Mächler also sees it similarly: «Since vaccination is not the panacea for me, I understand such exercises. Pressure creates counter pressure. Need makes inventive. I am not surprised.” However, Mark Keller from the community immediately contradicts this: «Since vaccination is not the only solution, should one take an x-times higher risk? What a strange logic. “

A lack of confidence in the vaccination as a reason for self-infection does not apply to SRF user Thomas Spirig as a reason: “Self-infection compared to vaccination actually only shows that you are not able to assess the risk properly. No more and no less.”

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