Star Citizen crowdfunding achieved another record year

As the Tech Raptor site points out, relying on the CCU Game application, the financing of Star Citizen experienced growth for the 6th consecutive year, surpassing the previous record in 2022 ($113 million). In more than 10 years of crowdfunding, Star Citizen actually experienced only one decline (a 3% drop in 2017). The strongest full-year growth occurred in 2020, during the pandemic (+68%). Nowadays, Star Citizen took in $657.6 million from players alone.

Space Investors

The number of registered accounts has also just passed 5 million, even if all of them are far from being paying consumers since this data includes players who took part in free trials. The fact remains that the signals are still positive for Cloud Imperium Games, whose funding is increasing despite the irregularity with which content is sometimes delivered. The year 2022, in particular, could have marked a halt with the only notable release being alpha 3.17 in the spring. The start of 2023 did not send better signals due to the complicated launch of alpha 3.18, with unstable new features.

The successive releases of updates 3.19, 3.20, 3.21 and 3.22, accompanied by a CitizenCon marked by the return to business of the Squadron 42 single player campaign, however allowed Cloud Imperium Games’ little galactic train to resume its best appearance . This is evidenced by the last Intergalactic Aerospace Expo (a sort of open day) during which the game recorded the biggest day of crowdfunding in its history (3.5 million dollars in 24 hours).

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