Star Citizen: Imminent patch 3.17.2 with the limit to 100 players?

The good news announced this Wednesday by Zyloh, developer within the Cloud Imperium Games staff, is that the new live version of StarCitizen is at our doorstep and the announcement was made with great satisfaction on the part of the teams involved. The expansion of the number of players per server is the apotheosis among the novelties and this is seen as a good surprise by the gaming community.

In short, what are the latest upcoming updates that will complete our recent article about 3.17.2?

New trailer for 3.17.2

Dynamic Events

Singularity obliges, the events “Siege of Orison (New on live)” and jumptown will be active for 2 weeks after the release of the new patch and it seems that these will run “in a loop” over this calendar period !

Siege of Orison, new event

Back to jumptown - Star Citizen
Back to jumptown

New Player Cap

A real challenge for the CIG teams!

With the release of the patch 3.17.2they plan to double the capacity of the servers to 100 players per serverallowing you to have a greater number of participants in dynamic events on a larger scale, to achieve large-scale community connections, to facilitate PVP meetings and more!

CIG considers this change to be a significant and crucial step towards the full experience.

Highlighting the excellent progress of the engineering and publishing teams in putting this change of scale into practice, CIG reminds that this decision to increase the number of players presents a greater potential risk to stability / performance, but we promises very strict monitoring and that they will make adjustments by injecting patches on the backend based on their observations.

Indeed, the infrastructure at their disposal now allows them to deploy “server-side” patches, without having to use underlying patches…

Finally, adaptation will be required by using fluctuating ceilings at the server level, which will prioritize the performance / stability ratio and this, in a dynamic way.

Some servers will have a 100 player limit, while others will have more!

This new initiative will be continued in the future, while keeping in mind the gaming experience…

What CIG offers and asks for its 2 events:

  • < 100 players during siege of orison in order to take into account the balance / rewards of the initial gameplay which was planned more modest.
  • jumptown will probably have a limit of 100 players per activated server (we can imagine the chaos on site! ). Prepare yourselves !
  • Report your experience by taking into account the feedback threads dedicated to the tests beforehand.
100 players per server - Star Citizen
100 players per server

Wipe patch

The announcement of a serious data reset had already been made in June, thus sparing the reputation of the players.

These wipes are irregular, historically, the last ones date back to alphas 3.8.2 and 3.15.

CIG is already announcing a potential major overhaul of the backend with the arrival of alpha 3.18which would introduce online the persistence (Database cleaning allowance).

We have already been warned!

Database Wipe Stipend

The very soon database cleanup accompanying the arrival of Alpha 3.17.2 never makes the citizens of the ‘verse jump for joy, but it is a necessary and salutary step for the continuous improvement of the game, the reminds CIG.

The good news is that with the release of alpha patch 3.17.2, a “generous” distribution of aUEC will be effective based on the number of hours everyone played during the previous 3.17.1 Alpha. Once the patch goes live, these credits will be books on a pro rata basis in your mobiGlas wallet !!!

The Millenium SC team wishes you excellent gameplay!  - Star Citizen
The Millenium SC team wishes you excellent gameplay!

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