Stardew Valley still has surprises in store, the proof

After the huge update that took all players by surprise, Stardew Valley obviously has other surprises in store. You no longer have any excuses not to play it.

A few days ago, Stardew Valley made the decision to come back and give us a big slap in the face. How is it possible ? With an update bringing an absolutely staggering number of new features. So obviously, the players did not hesitate to come back to the game to discover all this, and the success is still there. The man behind the curtain is not going to stop there, and he intends to continue to delight his community with a new update which will arrive shortly.

Stardew Valley will soon get a new update

To put you in context, Stardew Valley recently received its 1.6 patch, which in a way celebrates the eighth anniversary of the game. On the menu, big and varied changes which have enriched the experience offered. We think, for example, of new festivals and events, but not only that. There are also additional dialogues for NPCs, the possibility of having several animals or even new objects and additional secrets. And here, we have only cited a sample of the complete list of additions. It’s just insane.

So, will Eric Barone (or ConcernedApe), the father of Stardew Valley, go back into the shadows after this? The answer is no, and he confirmed it on Twitter. Update 1.6.2 is approaching, and this time, the idea will be to bring a certain number of fixes for bugs reported by players. So don’t count on other major new features, and at the same time, it’s a bit logical. But then, what exactly do we have on the program? Well, quite a few things.

Above all, we note the disappearance of many different bugs, whether in terms of visuals or translation into certain languages. There are still some important adjustments to note, such as the Void Egg which will now be poisoned. This is just an example, but it shows that the developer also slips little surprises like that into this kind of update. However, we do not yet know the date on which the update will be deployed. Given that we already have the patch notes, it won’t be long. To be continued.

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