Starfield is far from dead, Bethesda makes a surprising announcement

Despite the drop in activity around Starfield in recent weeks, Bethesda is far from having abandoned its project. This new information is proof.

Starfield, Bethesda’s colossal game, continues to mobilize a significant part of its original team. And this despite the drop in attendance of the RPG by players.

Starfield, still as massive

Indeed, currently, around half of the developers who worked on the game before its launch are still involved in the project, focusing on updates and downloadable content (upcoming DLC). In a recent interview with Wired, director Todd Howard provided details on Bethesda’s roster. Of the 450 people working on all of Bethesda’s games, around 250 are still dedicated to Starfield. Howard emphasizes that the size and complexity of the game are the result of the collective work of the entire team. Impressive Figures

Nate Purkeypile, Bethesda’s former lead lighting artist on Starfield, revealed that the project involved up to 500 people from various Bethesda studios, compared to around 200 for Fallout 76 at the time. While these numbers are estimates, they show the depth of Bethesda’s commitment to the space title.

Bethesda’s Priorities

With continued updates and the upcoming Starfield Shattered Space DLC, the team’s continued commitment is unsurprising. Additionally, although The Elder Scrolls 6 and Fallout 5 are also in the works, it appears that Starfield remains a major priority for Bethesda. The other two games, meanwhile, are not planned for many years, perhaps even too long.

The TES6 game entered the development phase after the release of Starfield. According to projections, The Elder Scrolls 6 could arrive between 2026 and 2027​​​​. However, there is no official confirmation on a specific release date. Additionally, it has been reported that the RPG will not be available on PlayStation 5​.

As for Fallout 5, Bethesda has confirmed that it will be released after The Elder Scrolls 6. The game appears to be still several years away from launch and we don’t have a precise release window either. The only information is that it will focus more on single-player content compared to Fallout 76 and will use a new game engine. Locations like New Orleans, Chicago, Alaska and other regions outside the United States are mentioned as possible settings for the game​​​​​​.

Whatever happens, Bethesda’s continued commitment to Starfield is a testament to the studio’s commitment to providing a deep and constantly enriched gaming experience. For players looking to enhance their Starfield experience, there are already plenty of mods available, although the full tools aren’t yet available.

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