Starfield: the notes of the French press, more glowing tests!

The embargo concerning Starfield has fallen, the specialized press can therefore deliver its verdict on the new role-playing game Bethesda. On the side of the English-speaking journalists, well, the opinions were quite divided, rather positive without being totally encouraging. And on the side of the French-speaking press?

Well our colleagues much more appreciated the RPG of Bethesda in the spacethe scores are higher, speaks of a “giant leap for great video game adventures, even if some features lack depth”, gameblog evokes “an extremely rich and generous adventure which surprises each time where it is not expected”, while, for gamekult, Starfield is “a very buggy and well-optimized game with a coherent science-fiction universe, an artistic direction that has its charm, a rather surprising plot and above all a more than convincing call for freedom”. Brief, an unmissable title if you like the previous productions of Bethesda (The Elder Scrolls, fallout) and space.

Starfield’s release date is still set for November 6 on PC and Xbox Series X|S, you can pre-order it at €69.99 on Amazon.

Writer – Tester

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