Stars in the corona crisis: how hard is it to hit the celebrities?

The Corona crisis also hits the stars with full severity. Concerts are canceled in rows, filming of series and film productions pause indefinitely, big events like the Eurovision Song Contest or the Cannes Film Festival do not take place at all. "The currency of the prominent people is the attention and the reach in the media. Many well-known minds are currently lacking the media stage on which they would otherwise have been automatically seen," says Ronald Focken, brand expert and Service Plan managing director. In a conversation with the news agency spot on news, he reveals how celebrities have to rethink and how they can reinvent themselves.

The crisis also offers great opportunities

"Corona will change the industry significantly. Above all, we will experience a boom in creativity on the Internet," the expert is certain. The crisis also offers great opportunities. "Anyone who currently cleverly places their profile-giving topics or picks up socially relevant or political discussions can also reposition themselves. Maybe even give a different, more sustainable image. It is not without reason that many celebrities are so active on their own channels."

Oliver Pocher (42), among others, has been particularly active in recent weeks. The comedian and moderator took on numerous influencers in his corona quarantine. The 42-year-old and his wife Amira had tested positive for the coronavirus and have now survived the disease. Pocher recently criticized the clumsy influencer marketing of the stars on his Instagram channel – especially in times of crisis. In addition to lots of headlines, this also earned him increasing follower numbers. For comparison: A few months ago, Pocher had around 250,000 followers, now there are 1.8 million.

"Just looking nice and faxing is no longer enough"

Despite all the criticism, "influencers will continue to experience a huge amount of hype," the marketing expert is certain. "But the question is what they stand for. A lot will change here. The superficiality will definitely decrease." The future will increasingly focus on topics such as climate, sustainability, social cohesion, helpfulness and commitment in the current crisis. Thus, the profile of requirements for stars in terms of their own image will also be different. "Just looking nice and faxing is no longer enough."