Stop it: makeup artists would never do these things

When it comes to makeup, the beauty professionals just know a lot better how to do it. And that's how it should be. We are now telling you five things that make-up artists would never do – and we will no longer do from now on.

1. Blow on the brush

You got too much product? Then please, please, please never blow it off your brush. Firstly, this is unsanitary and secondly, you spread the powder particles all over the sink or the dressing table. The make-up professionals tap the product either on the back of the hand or in a facial tissue. So you can control the crowd much better.

2. Too much pressure

If you press too hard with an eyebrow pencil, you run the risk of being able to see the brows at a distance of 20 meters. Not nice! Make-up artists usually work with a very light hand and it is not necessary to fill the entire eyebrow at all. Better look at where you have gaps and fill them. So the result looks more natural and you don't make up.

3. Highlighter on textured skin

Not everyone has super soft, fine baby skin. Many of us have large pores and textured skin – and that's not a bad thing. It only looks bad when we apply highlighters to precisely these areas. So if you have a lot of texture on your temples or on your nose, you shouldn't necessarily pay more attention here. The same goes for pimples, by the way. The best thing to do here is to use cream products that only shimmer slightly but NOT glitter. The pros do it too!

4. Foundation in the wrong places

Foundation doesn't belong in the whole face per se. Even if many believe it. Actually, it should only apply to the places where we really have to cover something. "I very often see too many layers that are too violent," explains Zoeva founder and make-up artist Zoe Boikou in an interview. Most of the product should be distributed in the middle of the face. You can also selectively cover it with a concealer.

5. Wrong contour product

Do you want to contour? But then please not with a warm bronzer! After all, when contouring we want to imitate a shadow – have you ever seen a red-brown shadow? So we don't! Always choose a cool contour tone that suits your skin tone. If you are light, choose a very light, grayish or taupe powder.

If you have a darker complexion, you also choose a darker color. The bronzer is only there to warm up the complexion – and only for that we should use it. At least that's what the beauty professionals would do.