“Storm of Love”
That’s why Daniela Kiefer doesn’t regret being childless

“Storm of Love”: In an interview, Daniela Kiefer gives an insight into her life behind the scenes of the telenovela.
© ARD/WDR/Christof Arnold
The current series news in the GALA ticker: “Storm of Love”: Daniela Kiefer talks about her private life.
The series news in the GALA ticker
November 28, 2022
“Storm of Love” actress Daniela Kiefer talks about her childless life: “It just didn’t work out”
“Sturm der Liebe” actress Daniela Kiefer, 48, who has been playing the role of Alexandra Schwarzbach in the telenovela since August 2022, recently gave an insight into her private life on “Das Neue”: she talks about what has changed since her series engagement changed her life and why she doesn’t regret never having become a mother. “In the first six weeks, I was missing five hours a day and five hours a day,” says the actress about starting on the set. The workload at the beginning is incredibly high in order to give the new role the “necessary fine-tuning”, says Kiefer.
The actress has had an impressive – and time-consuming – career, moving often for her job. For this reason, too, it “simply didn’t come about” to start a family of my own. “I missed the point in time,” she says on the subject, but doesn’t miss it either. As the eldest of seven siblings, she automatically assumed the role of second mother. “My experience continues to be in high demand with the many nephews and nieces in our family. As a part-time mom, I’m in high demand and enjoying it!”
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Sources used: “Das Neue”, liebswert-magazin.de