Study confirms: people who get up at this time of day are happiest

Power start
Those who get up at this time are happiest

A good start to the day makes you happy – but at what time should we set the alarm clock?


At 4, at 8 or at 10? What time do particularly happy people get up? A study found this out and also explored the reasons for it – you can find out the results in the video.

A balanced breakfast, little stress and enough sleep: it has long been known that a good morning is the basis for a successful day. But thanks to a study with more than 1000 test persons, researchers have now found that the time we get up also plays an important role in our happiness barometer. Because people who start the day at this time feel healthier, are more successful and usually even earn significantly more money. You can find out what time you should set your alarm clock in the future in the video.

LS / mmu

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