Study reveals one of the most common excuses for not having sex, and it’s amazing!

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An English study revealed in early April the amazing excuse many couples have for not having sex. It would be used by almost a million Britons!

When the craving for some sex isn’t reciprocated, for some people it’s hard to even admit it. Apologies, more or less credible, can then follow one another. Among the most famous, “I’m tired” or “I have a headache” are classics, but some are not lacking in ingenuity when it comes to justifying a lack of desire (which should be enough in itself). An English study carried out on 2000 Britons in March 2023 has just revealed the amazing excuse used by many couples. Especially those who own pets.

Several surveys had already put it forward, but the data recovered by the site “Lords and Labradors” confirm it. Almost a million people in the UK admit have ever used the fact that their pet slept on their bed as an excuse for not having sex with their partner. And the trick seems particularly effective! For 23% of respondents, it is not possible to make love if their 4-legged roommate is on the bed or in the bedroom. 11% of respondents feel guilty at the very idea of ​​moving the animal. Result, whether voluntary or not, for four out of ten Britons, allowing their pet to sleep on the bed would have affected their sex life.

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Many other excuses are often used

In 2012, the dating site specializing in extramarital affairs Gleeden had already carried out a survey to find out the “anti-somersault” pretexts of couples. The top 5 of the most frequently used emerged.

  • For 33% respondents, “I am tired and its variants, “I am sick”, “I am stressed”, etc.
  • For 29% respondents, ask to postpone the report at the end of an activity (film, book, TV show)
  • For 18% of respondents, the professional argument. Saying that we have a big file to finish for the next day, or that we have an urgent call with your superior.
  • For 13% respondents, engage in an existential discussion with his spouse, which can cool the atmosphere quickly.
  • And finally for 7% respondents, suggest going out before, going to a restaurant or some outdoor activity.

If finding excuses is quite common, it is good to remember that not wanting to make love is normal. This is a good enough excuse in itself to put off the leg part in the air. Don’t hesitate to tell your spouse directly that you don’t want to, communicate, and do not feel guilty. Sometimes the libido may not even return for a while, and that’s completely normal too. Take the time you need, and above all, never force yourself. Consent is always the number one rule when it comes to sex.

Society/Sex/Psycho Journalist

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