study uncovers dangerous new aspect for children

Educational methods have changed enormously in recent years, for the better but also for the worse! And helicopter parents are some of the worst…

Almond parents, mower parents or even helicopter parents, all these terms may seem crazy but they represent very concrete realities. These educational styles are not only here to decorate, they allow parents to find themselves in one or the other and above all to discover the dangers that each of them represents. As parents, it is sometimes difficult to realize that the education given is dangerous for the child, it is therefore important to take a step back.

Helicopter parents have toxic traits with their children, but they don’t necessarily realize it. They are characterized by a morbid need for control over the lives of their children, whether it is their activities, their associations, their school orientation, etc. They position themselves above their children and try at all costs to protect them by anticipating all their needs. But a study has pointed to a new problem with this intrusive educational model.

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Controlling children’s schedules has a detrimental effect on them

As the study published in Sociology of Health and Illness reveals, parents who control absolutely everything about their children’s schedules are bad for them. Indeed, they leave their children no freedom to invent games, to play independently, whether in the house or in nature. And that’s an important part of a child’s development, they need to create on their own and find out what’s fun and what’s not. Study author Dr. John Day explained in a press release: “Until about the 1990s, parents were not expected to endlessly entertain and watch over their children in the same way they do today, so children had greater freedom to play independently.”

Thus the children’s schedule is overloaded with activities planned by the parents, which does not leave much room for spontaneity: “Everything seems to be organized and needs to be monitored to make sure the kids are okay. Today, society positions parents as the sole engineers of their children’s development, which is an unrealistic burden that comes with unfair pressures and expectations. Most independence learning takes place when children take risks of their own choosing, and those opportunities are lost in childhood.” It is therefore advisable for parents to let go so that their children learn to practice on their own and to show spontaneity! It’s an essential quality to have while growing up…

Parenting writer

Zoé is on a work-study program, she joined the aufeminin team in September 2022, she writes for the parenting section. Committed and curious, Zoé likes to write to advance…

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