Superimmunity: vaccinated and infected people better protected, according to a study

American scientists have shown through a study that doubly vaccinated people who contract Covid-19 would be better protected and would develop “hybrid” immunity.

Vaccines are generally designed to provide immunity against disease. However, we know that with this infection that is SARS-CoV-2, it is possible to be contaminated, even if the vaccination schedule has been followed.

Hybrid immunity in people doubly vaccinated and then infected

Several American researchers have studied the consequences of a Covid-19 infection in vaccinated people. A study made public on December 16, in the scientific journal Journal Of The American Medical Association, which precisely reveals the impact of the virus.

To carry out their work, the epidemiologists used data from two cohorts: a first group presenting a complete vaccination schedule and contaminated by Covid-19, then, for comparison, a second with vaccinated individuals, but who did not have never been infected with the virus.

The first group had a large amount of antibodies in the blood, which would allow this so-called hybrid immunity to be developed and which can also be called “superimmunity”. Professor Fikadu G. Tafesse, co-author of the study, pointed out that this increase could sometimes even reach “2,000%” in the level of antibodies.

Other studies confirm that of “JAMA”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a study last summer that found that vaccination more than twice reduced the risk of re-infection in people who were previously infected.

More recently still, it is La clinical review of infectious diseases, The Lancets Infectious Diseases, who confirmed this thesis: being fully vaccinated halves the risk of developing lasting symptoms following a Covid-19 infection.

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