surprise, a big patch is coming! What is changing?

CD Projekt Red has just announced that a new update will be deployed for Cyberpunk 2077. But then, what will change?

Cyberpunk 2077 has had a long journey strewn with pitfalls. We’re not going to talk about its chaotic release on certain platforms yet, you already know the story. The takeaway is CD Projekt Red’s effort to get the game back on its feet. We can no longer count the number of updates that there have been for the title, and you will see, the studio will not stop there. For good reason, he has just announced that a new patch will arrive next week. What’s new on the menu?

A new patch is coming to Cyberpunk 2077

Be careful, don’t expect huge changes. The firm has already deployed an update considered to be “the ultimate”, “the last”. In truth, that didn’t mean that we wouldn’t have any more updates. On the other hand, they will no longer be as massive. In any case, CD Projekt has announced that a new patch will make its debut in Cyberpunk 2077. On the program, various and varied tweaks which respond to several requests from players. That’s what it means to listen to your community.

At the moment, we do not have access to the complete list of upcoming changes. Normally, we should have more information this weekend. For now, we simply know that the company will tackle more or less significant bugs that still persist in Cyberpunk 2077 and its DLC. One of them has been revealed, and it is the one that impacts the finisher animations. It’s welcome, and we never say no to such regular monitoring of a game. In any case, it won’t be the only technical problem to disappear, and we can’t wait to find out more.

With this announcement, we see that Cyberpunk 2077 has really come a long way. You just have to look at the last big update it received to realize it. It added the subway system, an element that was eagerly awaited by players. But that’s not all. We also noted repeatable car races, binoculars to admire the scenery, and even meetings with lovers. If you made the studio’s latest addition in 2020-2021, we strongly advise you to relaunch it as the adventure is different today.

The rest is being prepared in the shadows

As for the sequel, Cyberpunk 2 or Project Orion, it promises to be worthy of its predecessor, and to go even further in the experience offered. Igor Sarzynski, narrative director on the game, himself said that 2077 “was just a warm-up.” At least it gives us an idea of ​​the scope of the next opus. Michal Nowakowski, co-CEO of the company, also explained that there may be multiplayer, but it is not yet certain. The possibility is being studied, but it was enough to ignite the powder. Well, after that, it’s better to be patient, because we won’t have it in our hands anytime soon.

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