Suspicion of tax evasion: daughter of ex-CSU general accused in mask affair

suspicion of tax evasion
Daughter of ex-CSU general accused in mask affair

The Munich public prosecutor wants to have collected enough evidence to put Andrea Tandler on trial: the daughter of ex-CSU General Secretary Gerold Tandler is said to have not taken the tax very seriously when it came to mask deals worth millions.

In the course of the mask affair in Bavaria, the public prosecutor’s office has brought charges against Andrea Tandler, the daughter of the former CSU General Secretary Gerold Tandler. A spokeswoman for the Munich I public prosecutor announced that the charges were being raised on suspicion of tax evasion. “Süddeutsche Zeitung” and Bayerischer Rundfunk had previously reported. The authority will announce details at the beginning of next week, it said. According to the information, Tandler’s business partner N. and a third suspect S.

Tandler’s attorneys did not initially respond to requests for comment. Tandler and her business partner N. were arrested in January on the basis of arrest warrants from the Munich district court and have been in custody since then. After the Munich I Regional Court, the Munich Higher Regional Court (OLG) also dismissed the two accused’s complaints as unfounded in April.

Tandler is said to have received commissions in the millions for arranging mask shops at the beginning of the corona pandemic. Last year it became known that they were being investigated, among other things, because of an initial suspicion of trade tax fraud. After the allegations became known, a spokesman for Tandler said that the lawyers expected that “all other allegations would also prove to be unfounded” after the first trial had been discontinued. Tandler and her partner rejected “all allegations raised in public”.

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