Svenskeren is back at Cloud9, any move to expect?

Svenskeren, LoL, League of Legends, LCS, NA, Cloud9, C9, Summit, Blaber, Malice, Proving Ground, NA Academy, playoffs, transfer window, esports

Left free by EG at the start of the season, Svenskeren found a place as a jungler at Cloud9. But his arrival as a replacement could reorganize the academic roster.

More than two years after his departure, Dennis “Svenskeren” Johnsen is back at Cloud9. He had left the NA team academy at the end of 2019, after three seasons with the structure, including two in the elite. Passed by Evil Geniuses in 2020 and 2021, his contract had ended last January when he had not found a new team for the Spring Split in the LCS. Finally, after a few months of forced break, the player is announced to back in the Cloud 9 roster on March 14. But it is as a replacement that he returns to his old home. His contract is signed until 2024.

This decision is interesting since the jungler, a veteran of League of Legends, knows the NA championship very well in addition to his previous career in Europe (NiP or SK Gaming in particular). Cloud9 seems to want to set the stage for the rest of the competition. But it is not in LCS that changes should happen.

In effect Blaber, who is the oldest in the team, seems irremovable for the moment in the first team. If the arrival of Svenskeren could be intended for a position of support in case of problem, he should above all give a hand to the academy and eventually replace Malice. Cloud9 isn’t having too much trouble in the LCS so far, with Summit’s teammates leading Spring 2022 with two days remaining in the regular season. C9 is guaranteed to go to the playoffs, while C9 Academy will go to the Proving Grounds thanks to his second place in the academic league.

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