Swiss are training Qatari military for the 2022 World Cup

Ladina Triaca and Lukas Lippert

It is a deal that should no longer be possible in the future. In the coming spring, the Swiss armaments company Rheinmetall Air Defense will export two state-of-the-art anti-aircraft guns to Qatar. The Qatari army is expected to install them right next to the stadiums at the 2022 World Cup. The cannons are designed to protect players and fans from attacks from the air. Rheinmetall collects CHF 246 million for this.

But Qatar is not a model country. The Qatari government is cooperating with the Taliban in Afghanistan and last year allowed an execution for the first time in a long time. Since the 2010 World Cup, more than 6500 guest workers from India, Pakistan and Nepal are said to have died while building stadiums and roads. Arms deals with such states should no longer be possible in the future. Parliament decided that on Wednesday.