Switch: Nintendo France takes stock of the figures, the console is catching up with the Wii

The Switch, Nintendo’s latest console, has had its best sales in the past two years. His success is undeniable, and his marathon has only just begun. Philippe Lavoué, the director of Nintendo France, spoke on Le Figaro to discuss the past, numbers, and future of the Nintendo Switch. The console will soon be 5 years old, and its sales curve is far from declining.

We want numbers

The Wii, which was already a huge success in France, sold 6.3 million copies. For the Switch, after 5 years of activity (which we honestly haven’t seen past), we soon arrive at the same conclusion, and above all at the same sales figures!

The installed base of the Switch in France is now 6.1 million copies […] It will overtake Wii scores by spring, and we are aiming for a total of 7 million sales by the end of 2022. That would be a historic achievement.”

These remarks, made by Philippe Lavoué, are heavy with meaning when we understand the astronomical figures of the Switch, which continue to climb. Despite criticism regarding the Joy-Con, servers, and sometimes the choice of the catalog, the Switch does not budge, and remains at the top of console sales.

But that’s largely down to the family catalog, which allows Nintendo’s games to speak to a wide audience. When we see the madness that has been Animal Crossing: New Horizons, with 7 million copies sold in Europe, that explains a lot of things.

In 2021, concretely, it’s nearly 1.3 million copies sold, the console’s best year according to Nintendo France, and also the best-selling console with us in 2021 according to the Ludostrie study. And to sum up since 2017, Philippe Lavoué details sales according to the model of the console. The classic Switch has sold 4.9 million copies, against 943,000 sales for the Lite version, and 221,000 sales for the last of the band: the Switch OLED.

One thing is certain, Nintendo’s latest console has not finished selling and pleasing the greatest number.

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