Switzerland went into the pandemic unprepared

Never before has the topic of the intensive care unit (ICU) been as present in people’s minds as it was during the corona pandemic. Thierry Fumeaux, President of the Foundation for Intensive Care Medicine, is also pleased that they are suddenly attracting so much attention. However, he still sees a lot of catching up to do. Because Switzerland was unprepared for the pandemic, he criticized the “NZZ”.

The reason: “Switzerland had a pandemic plan – but nobody could do anything with it in an emergency.” For its part, the Society for Intensive Care Medicine had already realized in January 2020 that the hospitals were facing a major problem. Nevertheless, it took numerous requests before the committee was invited by the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) to an initial meeting. In addition, before Corona, the intensive care physicians were often not even represented in the crisis teams of the hospitals. All of this meant that you always had to organize everything under enormous pressure, he says.

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