Sylvie Jenaly confides in her life as a Super Nanny

After 2 years of absence, Super Nanny is finally back on TFX! For this occasion Sylvie Jenaly (alias Super Nanny) confided in this adventure which changed her life.

Having become a child governess by pure chance, nothing destined Sylvie Jenaly to become the new Super Nanny.
“I didn’t really choose it, actually it’s a pretty funny story. When the production chose to relaunch the show after Cathy’s death, they called on all the household staff agencies such as babysitters, nannies, and nannies. ” she explained.

“And my agency called me and said:“ There is a production that keeps contacting us to send CVs for a casting, would you accept that we send yours? ”. I was in post at that time, in an American family, but not having really understood what it was about I accepted that they send my profile. And then a few days later, they tried to reach me, the production explained to me what it really was and I became Super Nanny ”, she continued.

Troubling beginnings

But when you’re on TV, becoming a public figure can sometimes be a bit tricky.
“A few years ago it was difficult to wear, especially on the street. When you have this role and find yourself in your private life, people find it difficult to tell the difference. It’s really this side of notoriety that bothered me a lot. I had a period where it was really difficult, I didn’t understand why everyone stopped me in the street, took pictures of me, ect… I had a hard time accepting all that at the beginning ”, she confessed.

“On social media it’s the same, but I think it’s easy to hide behind your screen and say a whole bunch of malicious and hurtful things. So for my part, I decided not to go look, especially to protect myself and my family. ”, she added.

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Back on your screens

But one thing is certain for Super Nanny, despite the difficulties, you should never give up.
“It is a line of conduct that is particularly close to my heart to respect. We don’t give up along the way, we always find solutions. My first role when I arrive in a family is to listen to them and especially to play down the situation. My goal is also to give them that happy and positive side that they no longer have. ”, she said

Over the seasons, Sylvie has met a multitude of parents and children, all very different, who have left their mark on her life forever thanks to their history, their behavior and their way of being.

On November 3, a whole new season began for Super Nanny, the opportunity to discover and help new families. Thanks to these new episodes, broadcast every Friday at 9 p.m. on TFX, Sylvie hopes to also be able to help viewers through the different stories and different issues.
“Being able to help people who are watching me is my greatest reward”.

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