Syria: Deadly clashes between SDF and IS fighters in Hassaké

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HASSAKE, Syria (Reuters) – Seven members of the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and 23 fighters from the Islamic State group were killed on Thursday in clashes following an IS attack on a prison in Hassake, in northeastern Syria, we learned on Friday from a Kurdish military source.

The FDS were supported by the Kurdish security force Asayish (Assayech). The aborted attack by the jihadists aimed to free prisoners held in the prison of Hassaké, the same source said.

The SDF said it had arrested 89 fighters in the area where clashes continued. A witness said he heard US-led coalition fighter jets.

It is the second time since December that the prison of Hassaké has been the target of an attack by the IS which is trying to free its people.

IS jihadists also carried out an attack in Iraq on Friday against an Iraqi army base in Diyala province, killing 11 soldiers including an officer, Iraqi Defense Minister Jouma Anad announced on Twitter.

(Reporting Rodi Said and Baghdad office, written by Nayera Abdallah and Tom Perry, French version Anait Miridzhanian, editing by Sophie Louet)

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