Take a deep breath – Mental health: These books are good for you now!

The current Austria-wide lockdown is again causing increased fear, stress and exhaustion. But how can you weaken your own focus on daily corona issues and go back to other interests in favor of mental hygiene? We present books that are good for the soul!

Nonviolent Communication – Junfermann Nonviolent Communication (NVC) helps us to listen more consciously and to pay respectful attention to our counterparts. At the same time, we learn to express ourselves honestly and clearly. As a language of life, we can use NVC in communication with all people, regardless of their age, regardless of their cultural or religious background, in a wide variety of situations. With stories, experiences and exemplary conversation situations, Marshall Rosenberg makes it clear in his book how even complex communication problems can be solved with the help of GRP. Why is today my best day – Lutzi Verlag Allgäu The key to another life lies in us: It lies in recognizing it who we are, what we really want and how we can implement it bit by bit better in our daily life! This book gives structure to daily life: that of the perpetual calendar. As a result, the book makes you want to go back to work every day of the year – without the claim to have to be “read through” completely. In a playful way, it offers the opportunity to approach emotionally via the images, to find a simple introduction via quotes or to receive tips and exercises for everyday life via the daily messages.Welcome to the world for mental health – AristonWhen the soul suffers, that is Happiness in life clouded. Depression, fear, sleep disorders and the eternal carousel of thoughts set in. These days, symptoms caused by stress can be observed in every fourth person. Dr. Harald Krauss, chief physician of a psychiatric clinic, encourages with his holistic approach that we take responsibility for our health and our own happiness and bring body and soul into harmony. This is how you strengthen your self-esteem – kailash, I would only be more self-confident! Who hasn’t wished for that before? People who have a strong self have a good opinion of themselves and are on an equal footing with others. Self-worth determines our attitude towards life, our relationships and our mental and physical health. The psychologist Stefanie Stahl is convinced that low self-esteem is not an unalterable fate. In clear examples, she shows us how we can strengthen our self-esteem. Confidence – bene! Confidence is an inner force that can change many things for the better. With their help, we can develop new perspectives in difficult or seemingly hopeless situations. And confidence gives us energy so that we can survive crises and get up again when the old life falls apart. But how do you manage to maintain confidence in the face of a personal stroke of fate or a pandemic? What helps not to lose the courage to face life when we feel insecure, overwhelmed or desperate? Get out of social fear – TRIAS Do you suffer from a racing heart and do you blush quickly as soon as all eyes are on you? This is exactly what happened to Claire Eastham for years, until it finally became clear that a social phobia was the trigger for her tormenting odyssey. In this book she reports very openly about her experiences and presents her best exercises from the psychological bag of tricks. This ranges from thought exercises and exposure therapy to a first aid kit against anxiety. Social fears do not simply go away by themselves, but everyone can take action against them. What the body has to say – mankauOur whole life story is stored in our body – the happiest moments, but also negative experiences and heavy burdens. Long-term stress and traumatic experiences can restrict self-regulatory powers to a greater or lesser extent, because all of our body memories can be awakened at any time. This can lead to insomnia, anxiety and panic attacks, chronic exhaustion, migraines, difficulty concentrating, the inability to relax and many other ailments and problems. My Journey to Myself – Remote Verlag Imagine that you had everything you want. In truth, however, very few people are inwardly ready to pull all these things into their lives. They are not worth it to themselves and also do not know what is holding them inside to achieve their own dreams. This book helps you to understand feelings and thoughts better and to become aware of your special abilities.My happiness in 100 lists – rivaEveryone wishes it, but very few claim to really have it: happiness. Happiness is often just a matter of perception, and happiness is often hidden in the little things. With this book you can find out from 100 lists what makes you really happy, make plans for an even happier future or just smile. If you come back to the lists later, you can check whether you still define happiness in the same way, have already implemented your plans for the future, or how you have changed can affect all of life. Even if the suffering was a long time ago, feeling, thinking and acting can be impaired. Christian Firus considers the whole range of traumatic experiences: It is about physical and sexual violence as well as emotional injuries such as neglect, emotional abuse and failed attachment experiences. You are not what you think – arkanaWhy are decisions sometimes so difficult for us, do we shy away from new ideas or feel worthless? The awareness trainer Georg Lolos is sure that our ego is to blame. His basic idea: the ego corresponds to a house with ten rooms. Below is the inferior value cellar, for example, where we long for love and encouragement. In the control room, on the other hand, we encounter ourselves and others full of mistrust and perfectionism. Lolos goes through our inner ego home floor by floor and shows precisely which negative feelings or false beliefs paralyze us. The art of not being an asshole – KNAUR Even if the world is often shitty, you don’t have to be! The advisor that uses humor to help avoid becoming an asshole. Often enough, we are annoyed by idiots in everyday life: whether in politics, in local public transport or in the office, they lurk everywhere. Often we do not even notice how quickly we become ungustl ourselves without wanting to. Because how we perceive ourselves usually has little to nothing to do with how we affect others. Even with little tricks, we can easily step on the asshole brakes. Love one of a kind – GOLDEGG When a great love begins, nobody believes that it can break. But jealousy, mutual injuries and relationship drama often build up into permanent conflicts. Then everyday life and boredom creep in and finally destroy the happiness in relationships. It doesn’t have to be like that! Who knows what love needs can receive it even when it gets difficult. Relationships require active decision-making, courage, development and the ability to deal with conflict. Aino accompanies singles and couples to understand themselves and each other, to rediscover themselves and to lead the relationship in which they feel safe and accepted. Feelings are not a disease – UllsteinChristian Peter Dogs is clinic director and specialist in psychiatry and psychosomatics. He has treated many thousands of people who suffered from depression, anxiety and the consequences of traumatic events – with unusual and very successful concepts. His experiences show: There are ways out. And above all: We can do a lot for our mental health ourselves – just take courage! The Little Book of Survival – KöselHeartbeat, fears, worries? Good mood sheep “Oscar” knows: It doesn’t have to stay that way. Because the easiest way out of the deep is through the body. Nothing affects our psyche as directly as our physical posture. Twelve highly effective exercises that can be performed anywhere and anytime – without a yoga mat, in a matter of seconds and with immediate effect – provide noticeable relief! Calm, you tormentors – arkana , and prefer to push away the unpleasant ones – sadness or fear -. But neither pushing away nor letting go bring redemption. Another way is only helpful: the way of mindfulness. To be mindful of feelings means to perceive and to open oneself completely to what is. It means letting the feelings come, feeling them, and letting them go again – without judging or wanting to change. Shadows of the past – pure VerlagWhat can you do to lovingly heal a trauma? Probably each of us is traumatized in one way or another. Experiences that overwhelm us psychologically can haunt us for a very long time. It becomes very difficult with such trauma that we already suffered in early childhood. Violence or neglect by parents or other close relatives can hardly be coped with. We have no conscious memory of what we experienced before we could speak. Later severe traumas are often barely tangible because we have repressed them. Live – the way you actually want it – hogrefe (available from January 2022) “I’m just very cautious.” “I’m just not lucky.” “I am not attractive enough. ”Many people have negative thoughts and beliefs about themselves. Often these thoughts and the associated fears block our path to new experiences that we might like to have. They consume a lot of our time and energy and affect our quality of life. But how can we let go of worrying thoughts about ourselves and the world we live in? This guide shows you step by step how you can distance yourself from your negative thoughts and fears.You need help? HERE you will find an overview of Austria-wide initiatives and offers as well as advice and contact points that make it easier to cope with the exceptional situation and provide quick help You can find more product recommendations in our comparison portal, current offers and discounts can be found in our voucher portal. This article was produced with editorial independence. As an Amazon partner, we earn from qualified sales. The prices can vary on a daily basis.
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