“Talks not recognized”: Von der Leyen confirms contact with the Taliban

“Talks no recognition”
Von der Leyen confirms contact with the Taliban

After the Taliban came to power in Kabul, the EU is also trying to get its Afghan employees to safety. Commission President von der Leyen confirms that negotiations are underway with the Taliban. However, she makes it clear that this does not amount to recognition of a new government.

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen confirmed talks with the new rulers in Kabul when she visited a central reception center for Afghan EU employees in Spain. The negotiations with the militant Islamist Taliban in no way signified recognition of the new government, she emphasized in Torrejón de Ardoz near Madrid. The main aim is to make evacuations easier. The first thing to do is to offer people who were in danger when the Taliban came to power “legal and safe” escape routes.

The German also announced an increase in humanitarian aid from the European Union. A proposal will be made in the near future. “We have to help, that is our responsibility.” One must not only help those who have flown out, “but also those who have stayed in Afghanistan.” However, there will be no funds for the Taliban if they do not respect human rights, she said with regard to development funds of one billion euros, which are earmarked for Afghanistan over the next seven years.

At the military airport around ten kilometers northeast of Madrid, Spain set up an initial reception center not only for its own local employees who have flown out of Afghanistan. Since Thursday, this center has also served as a kind of European hub for the initial reception of all rescued refugees from Afghanistan who have worked at home for EU institutions, as well as for their families. After medical examinations and security checks, these people are to be distributed to several countries in the Union.

During the visit to the center, von der Leyen was accompanied by, among others, the Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, Council President Charles Michel and the EU Foreign Affairs Representative Josep Borrell. Sánchez and von der Leyen agreed that the international mission in Afghanistan over the past few years was “not in vain”. A lot has been done for the country, including in the field of education. “We have sown and we hope that these seeds will lead to more prosperity, security and freedom for the Afghan people in the future,” said Sánchez.
