Tame baby hair – how it works

Hair styling takes time, nerves and practice. We all know that. That is why many of us neglect the hair routine and take care of the others (obviously more important things). But you shouldn't! Because if your baby hair annoys you, you can not avoid dealing with them. What exactly do you have to do? A professional told us that.

Taming baby hair – that's what the professional does

You have washed and blow-dried your hair, want to make a simple braid and the little baby hair on your head is in all directions? Do we know! Of course this is not bad at all, but if you want your hair (for a sleeky braid, for example) to be close to your head, this is exactly what will drive you crazy.

Of course, you can put styling products in your hair BEFORE you dry your hair. But it also works when they are already dry. At Fashion Week in Berlin, hair and make-up artist Enrico Datu showed us exactly how this works:

  • Spray the roots (the areas where the baby hair stubbornly flies) with a hair dryer styling spray and brush it over with a brush.
  • Now blow-dry the hair from top to bottom (important!). This not only gives extra shine, but also ensures that the small hair is placed in the right direction.
  • Pulls the hair a bit horizontally to the side and blow-dries along the hair with a medium temperature
  • Tip from the expert: If you blow-dry the hair from below, it gives volume, but the small hair fly through the area even more wildly. Not a good idea if you want to tame baby hair.
  • Now there is a little texture spray on the hair, which at best makes the hair a bit more supple and fixes the last baby hair again – Enrico uses the Schwarzkopf 3 Wetter Taft Spray Casual Chic.

Now you can tie the hair together in a braid, for example, or you can twist a few curls into it. Alternatively, you can simply clip the hair behind your ear – it also looks super nice (and almost festive). The best thing about this hairstyle: you can comb your hair the next day and you have NO concrete head. You're guaranteed to know what we mean …