Tatiana Laurence pregnant with Xavier: a pregnancy marked by infidelity and disease

The year 2022 will undoubtedly be unique for Tatiana laurence and Xavier Delarue. The candidates of Secret Story (season 1, in 2007) will welcome their first child. But the end of her pregnancy, the divine 39-year-old blonde almost lived it alone.

Mid July 2020, it was the shock for the fans of Tatiana Laurence and Xavier Delarue. The former reality TV contestants had announced their divorce. But surprise, a year later, it is their reconciliation that they put forward … and the pregnancy of the future mother. The two posed on a beach, kissing, with a frame containing images of one of the ultrasounds. An immense happiness which made their fans very happy. But in early October, it was the emotional lift.

Rumors of infidelity

On the night of Saturday to Sunday, October 3, 2021, Tatiana confided on Twitter that Xavier had betrayed her with one of her colleagues from the Mysteries of love (TMC). “I announce that Xavier Delarue is in a relationship with Marjorie Bourgeois. The two lovers had loved each other for a long time already and could not cease their common passion despite the adventure which began again after our divorce. Sad to have learned it like that, not by themselves and to have been, in my state, completely deceived by them both. But I want to tell you the truth as they didn’t have the c ***** s to tell it to you themselves, not even to me. I will not add that I am sad, devastated, devastated, broken for life … You can imagine my condition. No more secrecy, they are free to live their idyll in broad daylight, I release them! Happiness to them. I wish them a long life of love. The heart has its reasons that reason ignores…”, we could read.

The message had only remained on the social network for a few hours. Then, Tatiana Laurence had backed down by assuring that her dear and tender was the victim “of lies and invention” since a year. “Ultimately, it is a false relationship pronounced out of jealousy or revenge. (…) An invention that has been repeated for the purpose of doing harm “, she clarified. She also explained that there was only one friendship, “not healthy maybe on both sides”, with Marjorie Bourgeois (the interpreter of Stéphanie Dorville). “So stop, please my angels. I am tired of this made-up story. It was not the right time. (…) I am sure that you will be able to make sure to stop this nightmare and relieve me. I need it right now, trust me. My hyperthyroidism does not allow me this kind of stress, anxiety. It’s not good for me and especially for our baby“, she concluded. The next day, Tatiana Laurence took urgent exams. Fortunately, her son was in good health.

The other galleys of Tatiana Laurence

This is not the only fear she has known. At the end of August, she confided that she suffered from gestational hyperthyroidism. An evil which “can be dangerous for you and your baby. (…) Fatigue to the point of total exhaustion … My heart beats at 110 beats per minute, that is to say, it is day and night in the Olympic race … Eyes which can swell strongly when waking up. Extreme migraines every day up to the back of the neck …“She said. Despite everything, she wanted to stay positive. But, a few days later, she revealed that she was concerned, like one in five women, by uterine retroversion (the fact that the uterus has tilted towards back of the vagina). Perhaps she will therefore have to undergo a cesarean. As if that were not enough, she was the victim of a road accident last October, due to a boar which was on the road, luckily more fear than harm.

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