Tax cuts, outlawed banks, new Paylib… The 3 news items for Friday September 22

A property tax falling in certain municipalities, retail banks being singled out for their practices and the name of the future European Paylib revealed… Here are the 3 pieces of information from this Friday, September 22.

Land tax down

The property tax increased significantly in 2023. For a large number of owners, this is yet another increase which weighs heavily on their budget in a context of inflation. Despite everything, certain cities in France have avoided this increase and have even made a clear reduction in their rates.

82 cities thus experienced a sharp decline of their municipal tax. How in certain municipalities have mayors and municipal councils managed to limit the burden on local taxpayers? Response elements.

A reduction of 30,1000 euros in taxes… These mayors who are reducing property tax in 2023

The funny practices of banks

The General Directorate for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Repression, nicknamed Fraud Repression, has just taken stock of two years of control of the banking sector in France. And the results are not rosy. Anomaly rates are sometimes very high.

In view of the results established at the end of all these investigations, a renewal of DGCCRF controls is necessary. in order to ensure strict compliance with consumer rights by banking and credit professionals in each of their practices, underlines the Repression of fraud.

Bank charges, Iban discrimination, payment several times or even credit redemption, here is what is wrong according to the DGCCRF.

New Paylib

European banks brought together within EPI (European Payments Initiative) have agreed on the commercial name of their future instant payment system of particular particular. It’s going to be called wero. But what will the future European Paylib be used for and when will you be able to use it? All the details here.

Payments: what is this PPE that will replace Paylib and wants to compete with the bank card?

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