Team talk: How sustainable do you eat?

team talk
How sustainable does the BRIGITTE editorial team eat?

Team talk: That’s how sustainable we eat.

© Natalia Lisovskaya

Talking about it is one thing, but actually putting it into practice is another. Four colleagues – four opinions.

The team talk about seasonal shopping, organic products and plant-based milk alternatives

“Before Corona my claim was different”

Team talk: Lisa Mitten

Lisa Handschuh, Lifestyle Editor

© Maximilian Heinrich

Every Saturday we went to the market – and all vegetables and fruit, mostly organic or at least regional, went straight from the stand into the bag we had brought with us. Unfortunately, due to all the restrictions during the pandemic, this aspect of sustainable nutrition suffered somewhat. Despite it: We pay attention to the quality, to what is in seasonand are now cooking more according to the seasons (which is sometimes a bit difficult to implement with a fussy toddler).

“I swear by (re)cycling”

Team talk:

Vivien Windel, Food Editor

© Tim Näve

This starts with purchasing planning, so that nothing superfluous is bought that ends up in the bin, and ends with regrowing. That means I try get the most out of my groceries. Spring onions simply grow back in a glass of water, vegetable scraps are used to make broth and stale bread is turned into breadcrumbs.

“Unfortunately I’m a milk junkie”

Team talk: Kristina Maroldt

Kristina Maroldt, Editor Job and Society

© David Maupile

Phew, difficult topic… At first glance, my shopping basket looks great: hardly any meat, a few organic carrots, apples from the farm around the corner. It’s just stupid that there are usually five milk bottles, three Brie and a kilo of yoghurt hidden underneath. I know: milk = climate killer, energy guzzler, often poor animal welfare record. But: so delicious! And no: oats and soy don’t come close, sorry. my Compromise meanwhile: more often half-fat instead of full-fat. In terms of CO2, it’s not that bad…

“I’m feeling my way towards vegan”

Team talk: Daniela Stohn

Daniela Stohn, Editor-in-Chief BRIGITTE BE GREEN

© Andreas Sibler

I buy organic and avoid animal products as much as possible – the biggest environmental impact when eating comes from meat production. That’s not particularly difficult for me since I discovered new favorite dishes with lots of vegetables and legumes, especially from Asian cuisine. I am currently trying reduce my consumption of cheese and eggs, even if the plant-based alternatives often don’t convince me. I have now picked out recipes for vegan spreads.


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