Teeth: best practices for getting veneers safely



For several weeks, many TikTok users have been promoting a practice of having their teeth filed to put veneers on them in order to have a perfect smile. Doctor Kévin, a dental surgeon in the Southwest, has several thousand subscribers on TikTok. Guest of Beneficence for you, he alerted on this practice which, when it is badly carried out, is dangerous for health.

“I’ve noticed lately that there are young influencers going abroad, especially to Turkey, to get what they consider to be veneers. Except they’re not veneers. They’re crowns. dental, and that is the problem,” explained the practitioner at the microphone of Europe 1.

“We consider it as mutilation”

In the case of a real dental veneer, “we will file the visible part of the tooth to affix a film, called veneer, to make your smile more aesthetic”. As for a dental crown, it’s different: “we will file the entire circumference of the tooth in a ‘shark tooth’. The first function of a dental crown is protection. In 99% cases, it’s on teeth that are in bad shape at the base.”

This trend, born in the United States, has landed in France. “Many young people ask us to do dental veneers. They find themselves stuck because the price is high in France. So they go abroad, especially to Turkey where they make these dental crowns by cutting healthy teeth and not teeth. teeth. This is where it is dangerous: the more you cut the tooth, the closer you get to the nerve of the tooth. The big risk is that you have to devitalize a lot of teeth because the process sensitizes the tooth”, explains the dental surgeon. “We consider it mutilation.”

20.000€ for a complete smile

Getting real veneers in good conditions is still possible. “You have to study on a case-by-case basis. It’s like a false nail, but for the teeth. There is a fairly strict bonding protocol. This requires filing of the teeth at the level of the vestibular part [la partie visible, NDLR] teeth”, explains the guest of Europe 1.

Veneers can be made of ceramic or composite. The majority of patients have an aesthetic objective: they want more whiteness and better alignment of the teeth. Veneers only affect the front teeth. “You have to check that everything is healthy, that there is no decay or pathology such as periodontitis.” The risk being that the cavity develops below the facet. It is also advisable to do a descaling every six months and, of course, to brush your teeth twice a day.

It takes three sessions to apply veneers. The act is not trivial because it is final. Some veneers can last between 10 and 20 years. Coffee and cigarettes do not alter the color of the facets. Budget level, it takes between 500 to 550€ per tooth, or about 20,000€ to get a full smile. The costs are not reimbursed by social security.


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