Temporary worker industry – companies show more willingness to commit

The transport costs for raw materials, parts and products are still on the rise, electronic parts are scarce, and the challenges posed by the corona pandemic are high – nevertheless, Upper Austria’s companies cannot be slowed down. The engine hums. This is also shown by the high demand for temporary workers.

With the end of the Christmas holidays, i.e. since January 10th, the demand for temporary workers has increased noticeably – this development is not only reflected in the Upper Austrian labor market service, but clearly also in the personnel service providers. “The demand is enormous”, confirms TTI-Group -CEO Klaus Lercher. Above all, employees in the metal and industrial sectors are in demand: electricians, locksmiths, welders and mechanical engineers. But IT specialists, wage calculators and accountants are also very popular. Hofmann Personal also recognizes an increased willingness to commit. “In 2021 we again had a large number of takeovers, almost 400 in Upper Austria alone,” reveals Managing Director Helmut Herzog. The automotive and pharmaceutical industries in particular are currently in particularly high demand for workers, he explains. In Austria there were 85,681 temporary workers in December – that was 19.4% more than in December 2020.
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