Tera: the MMORPG will close its doors

Bluehole Interactivebefore being renamed En Masse Entertainment then to be absorbed by Kraftonwas best known for his MMORPGs Tera, first released in South Korea in 2011 and then the following year in the West on PC. PS4 and Xbox One versions were released in 2018, but gamers have noticed that content updates have become increasingly rare in recent months.

And for good reason, Tera will soon disappear. The editor gameforge broke the bad news on its official websiteexplaining that Bluehole decided to stop development, no longer able to meet the expectations of players and preferring to focus on its other games. From next May 31, it will therefore no longer be possible to create an account to play, nor to buy ECUs, the currency in-game. Then, on June 30, 2022, all Tera servers will permanently shut downmarking the end of the adventure for all players. gameforge explains that he cannot continue to support the MMORPGs without a developer and invites fans to spend all their ECUs by the time the servers are closed, no reimbursement is indeed provided, except for club members Tera whose subscription extends beyond June 30.

It is therefore a MMORPGs important who is going to leave, it must be said that the competition is fierce, between The Elder Scrolls Online, Final Fantasy XIV who is a hit, World of Warcraft which will soon host a new extension or even Lost Ark recently brought to the West. You can also find beginner’s packs for this free-to-play on Amazon.

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Writer – Tester

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