Teri Hatcher: The actress takes a shower with her four-legged friend

Teri Hatcher
The actress takes a shower with her four-legged friend

Teri Hatcher is happily taking a shower on Instagram.

© Ga Fullner / Shutterstock.com

Teri Hatcher loves her four-legged friend Pumpkin. A funny post on Instagram proves that she even takes him into the shower.

“Desperate Housewives” star Teri Hatcher (56) loves dogs. Apparently so much that she even takes her own four-legged friend, Pumpkin, into the shower. The US actress provided proof of this two funny snapshots on Instagram.

Teri Hatcher is sitting naked in the shower with her dog

“For all of you who may have already imagined what it is like to shower with Pumpkin … let me tell you … it did not disappoint,” wrote the 56-year-old on the social media platform. She also posted a photo that shows her sitting naked and smiling happily in the shower. The actress holds the wet pumpkin in her arms. “It’s fun to have someone to shower with.” Another picture shows only her four-legged friend, wrapped in a yellow towel.
