Terrifying: A man slits his throat in the kitchen department while they shop

This Saturday, January 29, a man entered a shop in downtown Marseille before grabbing a knife and slitting his throat. An investigation has been opened

Terrifying scene in the heart of Marseilles. This Saturday, January 29, a man slit his throat in a Hema store in the city center of the Marseille cinema, reports France 3 Provence-Alpes Côte d’Azur.

According to our colleagues, the individual, aged around 30, would have entered the shop, would have gone to the section where the kitchen utensils are displayed, would have taken a knife, before suicide. As soon as the act was committed, the emergency services were notified. Unfortunately, the Marseille firefighters failed to save the young man.

Store staff in shock

This scene, which took place in the morning, deeply shocked store employees, who were sent home. The brand specializing in low-cost items has since lowered the curtain. Criminal identification officers were dispatched to the scene, and An investigation has been opened to determine the exact motivations and circumstances of the drama.


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The facts took place in a Héma store in the heart of Marseille

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The individual would have entered the shop, would have gone to the section where the kitchen utensils are exposed, would have seized a knife, before ending his life.

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The Marseille firefighters failed to save the young man.

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This scene, which took place in the morning, deeply shocked the employees of the store, who were sent home.

© pexels

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Criminal identification police were sent to the scene, and an investigation was opened to determine the exact motivations and circumstances of the tragedy.

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