TEST Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe: a fun and delirious Switch version

Games Kirby are plentiful on Switch. After the excellent Kirby and the Forgotten World (read our impressions), nintendo made the decision to port a Wii production, Kirby’s Return to Dream Land. Thus, a version Deluxe invites itself to our shelves and includes new nice little things not to be overlooked. Do we have a well-suited title on our hands? It is time to look back on this adventure.

In multiplayer, it’s excellent.

First of all, concerning the visual part, the game is finer, thealiasing totally disappears. Then, and point which marked us, this Kirby is less contrasty, the colors are paler than the original game. The Japanese firm takes advantage of this edition to modify the textures which have been (slightly) reworked and the backgrounds are a bit livelier. It’s more pleasing to the retina overall, you would have understood it. whether in fashion TV Or Portable, the graphics kindly titillate the pupils. In other words, on small or large screen, it’s beautiful, cute and colorful. Really chewable!

In terms of handling, it’s as simple as pie. We go through 2D levels and we can absorb opponents in order to acquire their abilities. Here, new powers appear, Sand And mechallowing Kirby to use sand as a weapon and camouflage in the ground on one side, or to swing missiles and lasers on the other. For players who don’t like to “lose”, know that a mode Wizard Magolor is here to lend a hand. To put it simply, if you fall into a hole, instead of losing a life, a flying character (Magolor) will come to your aid. Honestly, we find this “support” unnecessary, as the base game is extremely easy.

Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe demo 01 09 02 2023Know that it is also possible to have a good time as a team with friends on the same couch. Unplug them Joy-Con and connect controllers for up to four fun. The grip with the small pad of nintendo is not that unpleasant, because the commands of Kirby and his friends are comfortable (running, jumping, attacking and others). The odyssey becomes more delirious and entertainingbecause by pressing the keys I And Rwe can combine our powers to initiate devastating offensives.

In addition, there are zany modes to distract us as it should. So, we can go to Magoland Park to launch us into mini games worthy of a mario party. The challenges resume challenges (Seismic Blow, kirby samuraietc.) old titles Kirbyand use the features of the Joy-Con ; like the gyroscope to understand the movements of our hands in order to smash a rock. In multiplayer, it’s excellent. Bar of laughter in sight!

Do you want more ? An epilogue of Magolor see the day : The Interdimensional Traveler. To access this new universe, you must complete the main story. What is it concretely? A brand new adventure where we take control of Magolor who has lost his powers and must escape from a space between dimensions. The difficulty is much more exciting than the main quest with Kirby and more interesting.

Magolor’s epilogue is really gripping.

Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe Epilogue 10 09 02 2023And for good reason, our friend can only launch small attacks and jump initially, and must collect magic points (by defeating various enemies) in order to boost yourself and obtain abilities (like flying for a few seconds). Everything is playable in local multiplayer, partners also embody Magolor, but in a different color. In short, the more we advance, the more powerful we become, and to reach the end of the tunnel, we must cross twenty levels.

Other little things are also present, such as the collection of masks to change the appearance of his character. THE amiibo are compatible to obtain not very interesting bonuses. If we scan a toy from the series Kirbya power appears randomly, if we use a figure from another license (Zelda, marioetc.), healing items pop up with stars ; not really useful because the game is so easy.

Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe test image

nintendo did a really good job with Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe tweaking the graphics and providing a variety of modes to keep boredom at bay, alone or with others. The epilogue of Magolor is really addictive, and the mini-games in the Magoland Park kept us entertained. If you like funny and colorful games, without the fuss, don’t miss it.

You can pre-order Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe on Fnac at €49.99.


  • Super cute on Switch
  • Two new powers
  • The Magoland Park, delirious with several
  • Magolor’s Epilogue, a fun progression

The lessers

  • The Magolor Assistant, useless
  • The amiibo function, blah

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