TESTIMONY. “We found the lost alliance of my husband around a small fish”

An Australian freediver avoided marital drama by spotting Suzie’s husband’s wedding ring hanging from the body of a white mule. An incredible combination of circumstances!

This Christmas 2020, Suzie Quintal and Nathan Reeves, 36 and 37, enjoy the charms of Norfolk Island, Australia, on the occasion of their two years of marriage. But during the stay, Nathan notices, during one of his daily swims, that his wedding ring has disappeared. “He tried to look for her, then broke the news to me, and I wasn’t happy at all.”, says Suzie. Despite their efforts, the duo from Gold Coast returned to their homes without having found the precious alliance.

But a few months later, on May 10, 2021 to be precise, while exploring the waters of the same beach, a freediver spots a mule with a body strangely encircled by a ring. Susan Prior has heard of the couple’s sad story, which she contacts through a community Facebook page. Reading the message, Suzie is stunned. The only way to get the alliance back is to find the mule, but above all to catch it. And we must act quickly. Fish Seemed to be fine, said Susan, who photographed him, but when he grows up he may be nicked by the ring. “

The people of Norfolk went out of their way to locate the fish!

A scenario that the diver knows well, because it is not the first time that she has seen fish in such a situation. And the plastic rings from bottle caps are, alas, much more numerous than those made of precious metal. “If there is anything good to be gained from the publicity around this alliance, it is the light shed on this water pollution”, hopes the one who made it one of the fights of her life.

The people of Norfolk Island have lined up – equipped with nets, snorkeling gear and metal detectors – to locate the mule. “The glass bottom boat crew also got down to work. And they found him!” Suzie exults. The fish is released, and the ring on your finger again from my husband! “ A solidarity between human beings and an attention paid to animals which makes our bride say: “This is why Norfolk Island is great!” We cannot contradict it.

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