TF1 renovates its advertising data through data collaboration and MyData

Marketing and advertising are naturally very fond of data. And regulation, through the GDPR, and browser policy, including the disappearance of third-party cookies programmed by Google, have turned their habits upside down.

Advertising manufacturers are therefore profoundly evolving their skills and data assets in the face of ever more demanding advertisers. The TF1 advertising agency is also adapting to the market.

TF1 in the cookie-free era

TF1 Pub is responsible for marketing advertising space for the group’s channels and MYTF1, its streaming service. The management is moving into the “post-cookie era”. The data that cookies constitute is doomed to disappear.

Vihan Sharma, EVP of LiveRamp, even calls them “outdated signals.” Obsolescence which includes “third-party cookies”. The challenge for space owners is to adapt without abandoning their advertising revenue.

To do this, TF1 has chosen a strategic partnership with LiveRamp, a publisher presenting itself as a provider of a data collaboration platform. The two partners therefore joined forces to launch MyData.

A Data Clean Room to process data

The launch is scheduled for October 2. MyData is therefore a Data Clean Room solution – which will be based on LiveRamp’s Safe Haven technology. The principle of the Data Clean Room is to offer an environment for data exchange in a cookieless universe.

The promise of this approach is therefore to improve targeting and analysis of behavior through secure and confidential sharing of data, in particular between advertisers and advertising platforms.

TF1 Pub therefore opts for this transformation strategy with MyData. The group promises its advertisers access “to a neutral, secure and robust infrastructure, playing the role of a trusted third party in the processing of 1st party data compliant with the GDPR.”

Through the solution, the agency’s clients will be able to directly use their proprietary data, without losing control, nor “without ever sharing or exposing their data.” The interest for these actors?

Data collaboration as a trajectory

“Brands will have new ways to measure the business impact of their branding campaigns as well as better knowledge of their customers & prospects via activatable insights.”

With LiveRamp, TF1 Pub does not only want to connect its data and that of advertising brands. The group also aims to establish links and “facilitate exchanges with all players in the advertising ecosystem.”

ISPs, advertisers, data providers, media retail specialists, etc., TF1 hopes to interconnect with everyone to offer a one-stop shop.

Its strategy: rely on “data collaboration in order to increase the addressability of TF1 PUB video assets, both streaming and Segmented TV.”

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