That item you probably forget to wash that contributes to the proliferation of bacteria

In your kitchen, various utensils are used every day. While some are cleaned frequently, others are often neglected, becoming a breeding ground for bacteria. Find out which one.

The kitchen, with its many utensils and objects, can be a fertile ground for the proliferation of bacteria and mold. Vigilance in cleaning certain objects, often neglected, is essential to maintain a healthy environment. Carafes and pitchers, frequently used for tap water, often escape our cleaning routine. However, their maintenance is crucial to prevent the growth of bacteria, fungi and mold. Experts recommend cleaning water jugs every one to two weeks. Effective cleaning can be achieved simply with warm water and soap. In case of scale, use a bottle brush to loosen the impurities, then fill the carafe with a mixture of water and white vinegar.

After soaking, rinse thoroughly to remove any vinegar smell. It is also important to break certain bad habits, such as not respecting the frequency of cleaning, to ensure a perfectly clean carafe. Poor carafe care can lead to the formation of biofilm, a slimy, slime-like layer of germs. This biofilm may include mold or algae, becoming visible and giving off an unpleasant odor. To avoid this, be sure to air dry the pitcher after washing and keep it away from potential sources of contamination, like raw meat.

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Other kitchen items at risk

Other kitchen items like cutting boards, dish towels and sponges are also likely to harbor bacteria. For boards, cleaning with half a lemon and baking soda, followed by washing with soap and water, is recommended. Tea towels should be washed hot (at least 60°C) once a week. As for sponges, an effective maintenance method is to soak them in white vinegar then heat them in the microwave for 30 seconds. However, it is advisable to replace them regularly, approximately every ten days. Vigilance in cleaning these items is essential to maintaining a healthy and hygienic kitchen.

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