the 3 unmissable news of the day

A Christmas bonus which will only arrive in January in certain households, a new tool to help future withdrawals rebuild their career, real estate rates at the highest in 15 years: a look back at the 3 key news items from this Wednesday, November 29.

Retirement: the hunt for career gaps is on

This is MoneyVox news: Retirement Insurance has discreetly launched a new tool to help future withdrawals identify and correct any omissions in their career report. It allows you to review the user’s career, report potentially incomplete periods, and submit supporting documents to rectify your situation. Practical. The main stakeholders, however, do not yet have access to it. Explanations.

A Christmas bonus, after Christmas…

Receive the Christmas bonus after Christmas? This seems absurd, but it will nevertheless be a reality for some beneficiaries. Among the 2.3 million households eligible for this aid of at least 152 euros, some will not receive their CAF transfer until January 2024. We explain why, and who is affected.

Real estate rates: back to the future

The wear rate is this threshold which limits the maximum rate at which a bank can lend. Since it is updated every month (compared to every quarter previously), this brand designed to support market rates has continued to climb. Up to exceeding, from next Friday December 1st, 6% for real estate loans over 20 years or more. A first since the beginning of the 2010s. We remind you why this is not necessarily bad news.

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