the 37 most beautiful pancakes to draw kings

The Christmas celebrations barely digested, we go back to the table to taste the Galette des Rois! Classic or filled, selection of 37 pancakes that will make you the queen or the king of 2022!

You still have the taste of the log and oysters in the mouth, that you must already choose the pancake for the Epiphany which profiles its nose. Pastry chefs, bakers and other luxury hotel chefs have therefore returned to their mess to bring out the most beautiful pancake. To help you find the perfect galette, we greased our fingers with butter, wiped thousands of crumbs on our blouses and above all we enjoyed tons of frangipane, chocolate, chestnuts and even a few truffles!

A little history
Every first Sunday in January we celebrate Epiphany. But other than being a great excuse to enjoy a gourmet dessert, do you know where this tradition comes from? You are given some marbles to shine during the meal. Epiphany is above all a religious feast whose word comes from the greek epiphaneia which means “appearance”.

Quoted in the New Testament, this feast celebrates the coming of the Messiah. Shortly after his birth, Melchior, Gaspard and Balthazar, the three wise men came to present him with offerings. However, it was not the Magi who brought the cake. In France, the custom of the pancake has existed since the 14th century. This round, flat and golden colored cake represents the sun, and symbolizes the return of light after the long winter nights. From the 17th century to around 1910, bakers used to offer their customers a galette des Rois free of charge. The use was lost and the pancake has now become a commercial product.

The galette des rois is a typically French tradition.

Tradition obliges
There are two kinds of kings cakes in France. In the north of France, it is customary to eat a round, flaky pancake very often filled with frangipane. This great classic can be found in most pastry chefs. If the latter try to innovate each year by offering pancakes filled with chocolate, apples or even chestnuts, customers always return to the tradition. But far from giving up, professionals are exhibiting several versions of the Kings cake in their window.

In Provence and in the south-west, it is a crown-shaped brioche dough decorated with large grains of sugar or candied fruit, it is airy and often scented with orange blossom. Many chefs from the south reinterpret their vision of the brioche of the kings of their childhood, this is the case, for example, of Pierre Augé, former Top Chef from Béziers, who offers a brioche des rois puffed up and covered with wedges of candied oranges.

Rather salty beaks?
A savory galette des rois? Yes, you read that right ! Indeed, people who are more “salty than sweet” can also have their cake. In the form of a large mushroom stuffed with truffles at Hugo & Victor, a beautiful and crispy cake made with pork stuffing and foie gras at Maison Vérot or even a camembert enclosing a bean at Marie-Anne Cantin … Everyone will find something to celebrate Epiphany in their own way!

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