The 8 things that successful people never do on the weekend

We love reading the stories of successful people and knowing what they do every day, their ritual or even their routine that allows them to achieve their goal. But do you know what successful people never do? A quick overview!

Can you imagine one of these great personalities who have succeeded in life like Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg, Oprah Winfrey or even the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, doing nothing with their weekend? Do you think that this type of person spends their Saturday and Sunday lying on their couch watching a movie or a Netflix series wasting precious time in an activity that would not be useful for them? Surely not ! But that doesn’t mean these people don’t know how to take a break when they need it or need it.

Finding a balance between productivity and relaxation is essential in the life of a person who gives himself all the cards in hand to succeed. If they don’t like to spend their weekend doing unproductive things, they also know what is important to them and therefore carve out time for themselves. Here are the eight things that successful people never do, especially on weekends.

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1. Work meetings

Successful people know that the weekend is a sacred time to recharge and relax. So we forget about work meetings or professional appointments! Balance between professional and private life is therefore a priority for this type of person who does not lose sight of the importance of giving the brain the chance to rest or even recharge.

2. Spending too much time in front of screens

Social media, television or even games can be seriously addictive. Yet successful people know this kind of thing and avoid spending a lot of time in front of their screens. Although you may be tempted to watch Netflix at night, the blue light from screens can harm your circadian rhythm while sleep is essential for improving productivity.

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3. Spending too little time with friends and family

Even though they have a thousand things to do every weekend, successful people don’t avoid spending time with their loved ones. Family and friendship relationships are what hold everything together and recharge the batteries, it’s like hitting a reset button to start the week again.

4. Skipping physical or sporting activity

The weekend is here and you are tempted to skip a sporting activity to throw yourself on your sofa? Know that a successful person will never do this kind of thing. Physical exercise stimulates creativity and sharpens concentration while releasing feel-good endorphins. So if you want to get your week off to a better start, don’t hesitate and don’t shy away from a good workout!

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5. Have a big party and drink to excess

Just think about how much energy you’ll lose spending a weekend of partying and drinking. This kind of situation simply leaves you exhausted and far from ready for the challenges of the week ahead. Successful people focus on activities that contribute positively to their success and leave aside unhealthy substances that can impact your abilities.

6. Skipping hours of sleep or rest

You have probably already heard the expression: “sleeping is for the weak… I’ll rest when I get there!» But know that sleep is essential for cognitive and intellectual abilities. A rested brain is a more responsive, more creative, more efficient, more concentrated and above all more jovial brain. So if you don’t want to look like the grinch and preserve your immune system, don’t neglect sleep!

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7. Procrastinate

You must have already found yourself in the situation where you had planned to spend only 5 minutes on Tik Tok or Instagram watching a few videos only to realize that in the end you had stayed there for hours. Know that successful people in life consider time a rare treasure and do not waste a minute procrastinating.

8. Check their emails

Successful people don’t fall into the trap of checking their email on weekends. Checking and responding to these emails during these two days off is to invite the stress and anxiety of work into this sacred time of rest. We always come back to the same point: knowing how to balance professional and private life while imposing limits not to be exceeded.

The people? A whole world! Passionate about the media, networks, series, films, and investigative investigations of all kinds, it was natural that Jessica turned to writing and that she takes…

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