The Association of Pediatricians no longer wants to issue certificates for students before the holidays

Go on vacation earlier – or sick just before the holidays? The professional association of paediatricians no longer wants to be a “controller” and monitor “truancy”. He no longer wants to issue certificates and calls on the state to find a solution itself.

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A simple written apology from the parents is not enough if the children are absent from school shortly before the holidays. Children are often absent not because of illness, but because the family starts their vacation a little earlier than allowed. Therefore, unlike the rest of the year, parents must provide a medical certificate.

Pediatricians are asking the state to find its own solutions

But it is precisely these certificates that doctors no longer want to issue. The Professional Association of Pediatricians (BVKJ) says to the “Bild”: “We cannot and do not want to play the inspectors for the schools.” The “monitoring for the purpose of detecting illegal truancy” is not a medical task, but also fills the practices.

Instead, the paediatricians are demanding that the state should take care of compliance with compulsory schooling itself and, for example, use the regulatory office or the public health service.

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