the best mascaras of the moment

To lengthen lashes, curl them, display a beautiful volume or even all three: there is bound to be one of our favorite mascaras of the moment that will suit you.

It is certainly the make-up product that we cannot do without even when we are not a big fan of daily make-up: mascara is a major beauty ally that highlights us. without having to work too hard on our beauty treatment in the morning. It is, in fact, a must that we cannot imagine being able to do without even the days (almost) without make-up so much open your eyes to help us look more awake and intensify our glances to give them more impact. No wonder, then, that most makeup brands offer this type of product that appeals even to those who wear little makeup.

Mascara: a product that sublimates the eyes in a thousand and one ways

Volumizing and densifying, lengthening and / or lifting the fringe of eyelashes, curving to maximize the look and display perfect doe eyes or lash-to-lash definition: the effects of mascaras are diverse and varied and respond to a multitude of beauty issues. Some mascaras specialize in a precise action to offer maximum effect (XXL volume, extravagant length…) while others act on all fronts to enhance any fringe of lashes.

How to choose your mascara for your eyelash fringe?

We are not all equal when it comes to eyelashes. While some are lucky enough to have long lashes and naturally voluminous bangs, others have very short, straight, sparse lashes that don’t really show off their eyes. It is therefore important to choose the right mascara according to your needs.

I have short eyelashes : Lengthening and curling mascaras are perfect for enlarging your eyes.

I have straight eyelashes : bet on curling mascaras that shape your eyelash fringe for a more glamorous result.

I have sparse eyelash fringe : Instead, adopt volumizing mascaras that expand and thicken your lashes to give the illusion of dense lash bangs.

I have naturally very long eyelashes : rather than lengthening them further, add a little volume and give them a nice curvature.

I have thin eyelashes : bet mainly on volumizing mascaras which will thicken your eyelashes in order to make them more present.

I want to enhance eyelashes that are neither too long nor too short : multifunctional mascaras are made to enhance your eyes!

You will find absolutely all types of mascaras – including at low prices – in our selection of the best mascaras of the moment, selected for you by the editorial staff.

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