The bill on the judicial system arrives this Monday at the Assembly in a tense context

Alexis Delafontaine / Photo credit: XOSE BOUZAS / HANS LUCAS / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP

From Monday, and in a very tense context linked to the riots, the Justice bill will be debated in the National Assembly. With the line of sight, the recruitment of judicial and penitentiary staff. But the right-wing deputies have every intention of imposing their line.

Chance of the calendar, in full sequence of the riots, the Justice bill is debated today in the hemicycle at the National Assembly. The two texts examined focus on the recruitment of judicial and penitentiary personnel. But in the eyes of the left opposition, these advances are insufficient and ill-defined. The right, in a position of strength, intends to impose its line.

“No shallot race behind the RN”, assures an LR deputy

“Events prove us right,” proclaim the Republicans. Eric Ciotti’s group wants to use current events to force the government to give in on certain measures, such as the construction of new prison places or closed educational centers for minors. “Will the majority dare to vote against while miners are burning town halls?” Asks a right-wing deputy. But, on the subject of justice, the National Rally will also try to impose its line.

For MP LR Ian Boucard, a happy medium must be found. “The question for us is not to be the most radical. The proposals we make are proposals to be effective, so that justice is better done in our country, so that it is less lax and so that there are fewer security problems for the French and the French. We are not in a shallot race behind the National Rally”, he expresses.

Indeed, the Republicans welcomed part of this reform presented by Éric Dupond-Moretti. The Keeper of the Seals, expected at the turn this Monday by the deputies, was pleased to have obtained “an unprecedented budget which puts an end to 30 years of abandonment of justice”.

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